我们拥有成功的房地产交易记录,包括土地的官方直营bbin, 办公室, 零售, industrial properties throughout Central Ohio and around the world. NAI Ohio Equities is a dedicated team, ready to work for you. 我们有一个内部营销团队,将协助所有销售人员如何最好地列出您的物业. Let one of our professionals work with you on listing your property today.
如果你是哥伦布地区的新手, 拓展业务, 或者只是寻找新的空间, our talented and professional tenant representatives will help you understand the process. NAI Ohio Equities is here to walk you through all aspects of site selection; from discovery and identification phase all the way through the negotiation and signing of your new lease or closing on your new space.
NAI Ohio Equities’ team includes 20 helpful and talented property managers, each hired to make sure your property functions effectively. 从除雪到安全再到暖通空调维修, our property management experts offer peace of mind that every last concern is being considered, 管理, 和修理. We also offer full accounting support tailored to your operation.
自1971年以来,我们的代理商一直在帮助客户找到完美的房地产解决方案,以满足他们的所有业务需求. Our team members are ready and anxious to offer their assistance for whatever you need.
找一个代理NAI Ohio Equities offers a wide variety of 服务 for 办公室 users and investors alike. 我们的专业人员目前跟踪了近32个项目,000,000 square feet of 办公室 space throughout the Central Ohio area. 拥有40多年的专业市场经验, our staff of accredited professionals offers each of our clients the home-field advantage. 我们在俄亥俄州中部地区生活和工作, 我们清楚地知道它的性质, 守则及条例, 人和商业环境.
NAI俄亥俄股票提供必要的资源,以成功完成即使是最复杂的交易. Our 服务 reach throughout the Columbus metropolitan region and the world. 同时追踪了超过268个,000,000 square feet of 工业 space NAI Ohio Equities is able to find not only the best fit, 同时也为客户创造最大的价值. 工业客户包括私营公司, 国内和国际公司, 机构股东, 私人投资者和国家开发商.
在当今竞争激烈的市场中,为零售企业找到合适的地点是最具挑战性的任务之一. It takes knowledge about your client - a complete understanding of the products, 服务, 目标市场与竞争. 它还需要对零售房地产市场的知识和洞察力——了解可用的位置和地点, knowing what's happening in the marketplace today and what is expected tomorrow. NAI Ohio Equities works with developers and 零售 property owners, 协助其物业在零售市场成功定位,并制定全面的营销策略,以达到最高的入住率.
In the second quarter of 2024 the Columbus 办公室 market continues its recovery, 而优胜者则是位于便利设施附近的甲级写字楼,或者在其建筑内创造了自己的便利设施. B类或C类破旧的办公物业基本上为这些A类赢家提供了在2015年至2019年期间签署租约的租户. Many of these Tenant’s leased too much space and settled for a good economic deal on paper, but a bad one when it comes to the actual business environment they are in, 哪一点对企业文化和增长至关重要. Efficient and high-quality space in Columbus is no longer a want, 这是一种需求,而最有准备的房东是那些了解这一点并能达成双方都满意的交易的人.
The average size of a typical 办公室 lease has risen slightly to 3,800 square feet.
“如今,为了获得显著的租户改善津贴,过高的减租和低于市场的租赁费率已经不那么普遍了,这些津贴为公司提供了展示办公室,这些办公室需要留住和招募哥伦布最优秀的人才,并提供了一个人们想要来的商业场所。. 许多具有高增长潜力的租户关注的是未来几年,而拥有更大街区空间的房东则通过在租期的前几年支付的平方英尺的“升级”计划与他们合作. 整体, 精明的租户和房东都在想方设法让交易对双方都有利,这反映在哥伦布写字楼市场的弹性上."
专业的官方直营bbin是确保您的商业房地产投资的长寿和活力的关键. 在NAI Ohio Equities, 我们提供积极的管理和整合的资源,为贵公司的每一项房地产资产保值增值. We provide a complete and competitive range of property management 服务 for industrial, 办公室, 医疗, 还有零售大楼, as well as educational and multi-family properties and home-owner associations.
所有NAI Ohio Equities管理的资产都按照我们的物业服务标准计划运营,以促进一致性, 高级操作实践, yet is designed with the flexibility to cater to the unique needs of each property and client.
“Ryan McGreevy非常专业地处理了这处房产的销售,我对他的工作非常满意. 我期待着我们将来的合作."
Skip feingas,卖家:2338 Scioto Harper Drive
"Each and every prospective deal is always handled in a professional and compelling manner. 此外, 每个RFP提供的对细节的关注和分析极大地帮助了合作伙伴做出决策."
Arthur Goldner, PNC广场业主
"The NAI Ohio Equities 工业 Team has done an excellent job for us. After purchasing Southeast 工业 Park our goal has been to sell the buildings individually. Their team has clearly communicated our objectives to the brokerage community and end users. 通过积极的营销努力,他们已经卖出了公园里18栋建筑中的13栋. We appreciate their determined and honest approach to business."
Ben Struewing,副总裁| Hackman Capital Partners
“与马特·格雷戈里和安迪·达彻合作非常棒. 他们都精力充沛,知识渊博, 快速响应我们的各种需求和问题. 两人都很有风度, 了解我们的需求, strongly supported our effort to start a social enterprise. 我强烈推荐他们两个."
“和乔·门宁格和菲利普·伯德一起工作很愉快. They completely understood our parameters and the necessity to sell our real estate, while continuing to maintain our operations in the space during and after the sale."
Bo Hindall, Inquiry Systems, Inc .创始人/总裁.
“在过去的几年里,我们的业务增长迅速,为了满足机构的需求,我们不得不在三个不同的地方租用空间. 我很高兴彼得·默克尔和马特·格雷戈里为我们找到了一处满足阿尔维斯之家所有需求的房产. 他们所付出的时间和精力是无价的."
丹尼斯·米. 罗宾逊,Alvis House的总裁兼首席执行官
这个月, NAI Ohio Equities完成了11笔交易, with an uptick in the number of 零售 transactions this month.
乍得·博格斯 有这个月最高价值的零售交易吗. 他代表Pitabilities签署了位于Grove City Stringtown Road 2167号的第一家实体店的租约. 这笔交易是在公司内部完成的 鲍勃说 代表业主.
办公室 deals accounted for roughly one-third of transaction activity. 米切尔摩尔 是领导和代理团队一起工作的吗 菲利普鸟, 马特·格雷戈里, 安迪·达奇尔的距离 to represent Division 1 Roofing in signing a lease at 400 Metro Place Dr. N. 在都柏林. 这也是本月成交金额最高的一笔交易.
The highest-value industrial transaction of the month was completed by Doug Shull who represented the landlord in signing a lease with NPAS Inc. 在俄亥俄州特拉华州伦敦路2097号.
作为商业房地产投资者, you’re probably familiar with the concept of a 1031 exchange, 但是,你是否完全理解如何利用这种税收优惠作为实现其他目标的工具?
In this article, learn more about the many strategies that leverage this powerful tool.
建立投资组合/增加杠杆用1031交换, 投资者可以不断地将净收益从他们的资产中再投资到更大的投资中,创造“杠杆”并增加购买力. By reinvesting the dollars that would have been used to pay capital gains tax, 投资者购买力随之增加, 积累财富. 另外, 在获得高价值房产时,股权的增加会导致较低的贷款与价值比率. 这个策略可以无限重复,并与其他税收策略一起使用,以建立一个投资组合.
按市场或按资产类型分散投资拥有过多的特定资产类型或资产集中在单一市场可能会带来风险. A 1031 exchange can be used to facilitate portfolio diversification. 另外, suppose a specific asset type is underperforming due to market conditions. 在这种情况下, a 1031 exchange can facilitate the acquisition of an asset type that is performing better, or it can be used to purchase an asset in a market that is experiencing growth.
诺克斯县一个有着近200年历史的制造业园区在该地区最大的雇主之一宣布退出五年后再次焕发生机, 西门子能源, 会停止在那里的运作.
The 47-acre property which includes 12 buildings totaling 670,000 square feet was acquired by the Knox County 土地 Reutilization Corporation, 也被称为诺克斯县土地银行, in 2020 after Siemens decided it no longer wanted to retain the property following the closure.
The property has housed power generation systems manufacturers, 从蒸汽机到喷气发动机再到发电机, 自1833年以来. The majority of that time, by the successors of the original occupant, the CE Cooper Co.
校园, 现在被命名为哈特兰商业园, represents the largest collection of available industrial space within the city, 杰夫·戈特克解释道, president of the Knox County Area Development Foundation and the Knox County 土地 Bank.
“It’s a homegrown property that the community feels a lot of connection to. Thousands of current Knox County residents have worked on that property or know someone who did,他说.